Friday 5 December 2014

Q.1. Ratio of the measurement of the Harppan bricks is
Answer : 1 : 2 : 5
Q.2. Garun stambha was built by Heliodorus in II century B.C. where is it situated?
Answer : Bes Nagar
Q.3. Who were the participants in Koppam war?
Answer : Western Chalukya and Chola
Q. 4. The first reference to the goddess of Forests ‘Aranyani’ is made in
Answer : Rik Sanhita
Q.5. During Rigvedik period, which system prevailed?
Answer : One marriage
Q.6. Chandela Kingdom in Bundelkhand was located in
Answer : Mahoba
Q.7. Where was Guru Nanak Born?
Answer : Talwandi
Q.8. When did Mahmud Ghazanavi first invade India?
Answer : 1025 A.D.
Q.9. Who was the Sufi Saint against whom Ghayasduddin had enemity?
Answer : Nizamuddin Aulia
Q.10. Who is considered to be the founder of Bhakti Movement?
Answer : Ramanujacharya
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