Wednesday 17 September 2014

                                              Words Often Confuse

a lot
A lot is two words meaning "much": A lot of bologna was left over from the party.
Allot is a verb meaning "distribute proportionately, to portion out": You guys need to allot a lot more time to practice!
a while
A while is two words meaning "a short period of time": I will meet you in a while. These two words are never spelled together.
A is an indefinite article used before nouns beginning with a consonant: a photograph, a tree, a horse.
An is to be used before nouns beginning with a vowel (sound): an apple, an hour, an elephant.
And is a conjunction used between nouns in a list: A blanket and picnic basket are needed for the afternoon.
Accede means "to agree or allow": Hiram Cheaply finally acceded to accepting the presidency of the company.
Exceed means "to go beyond, to surpass": The amount of alcohol in his blood exceeded the previous record.
Accept means "to take willingly": Miss Deeds accepted the cup of hot tea even without a saucer.
Adapt means "to adjust": Minnie Miles quickly adapted to working 20 miles away from home.
Adept means "skilled": Lucille is adept at speaking languages.
Adopt means to "accept as your own": It was difficult to adopt only one puppy from the animal shelter.
Adverse means "unfavorable, hostile": Those driving in adverse winter conditions may be putting themselves at risk.
Averse means "repulsed or repelled": She was immediately averse to the idea.
Advice is a noun meaning "an opinion given with the intention of helping": My mother still gives me advice even though I'm 40 years old.
Advise is a verb meaning "to give counsel or advice": The meteorologist advised listeners to stay indoors because of the extremely cold temperatures.
Affect is most often used as a verb meaning "to influence and change": The president's speech affected his views of the upcoming election.
The verb effect means "to cause": Batting her eyes so flirtatiously effected a strong desire in Rathbone to embrace Mirabelle.

Bad is used after some verbs like am to indicate the condition of the subject: They felt bad. (Using badly here would mean that their skill at feeling is poor).
Badly is used to indicate the manner in which the action of the verb is carried out: They played badly. (Badly can also mean "greatly": They needed food badly.)
Baited usually refers to traps: Baiting deer in order to hunt them is illegal in most states.
Bated is seldom used but means "reduced, abated": Jessica waited with bated breath for news of her success.


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