Thursday 11 September 2014

                       CURRENT AFFAIRS MCQ

1.    Al-Tehrir Square is in __________.
A.    Damascus
B.    Cairo
C.   Tripoli
D.   Istanbol

2.    The Secretary of States of United States is ___________ .
A.    John Kerry
B.    Joe Biden
C.   Hillary Clinton
D.   James F. Dobbins

3.    The Vice President of United States is ___________ .
A.    John Kerry
B.    Joe Biden
C.   Hillary Clinton
D.   James F. Dobbins

4.    38th parallel is a boundary line between __________ .
A.    United States and Canada
B.    Pakistan and India
C.   Turkey and Cyprus
D.   South and North Korea

5.    Channel Tunnel is an Under Sea Rail Tunnel that linked ___________ .
A.    America and Mexico
B.    England and France
C.   France and Germany
D.   England and Germany

6.    MI-5 is the secretagency of __________ .
A.    United States
B.    United Kingdom
C.   Israel
D.   France

7.    The largest producer of Uranium is __________ .
A.    Canada
B.    Russia
C.   China
D.   Kazakhstan

8.    The largest emitter of Carbondioxide in the atmosphere is __________ .
A.    Canada
B.    Russia
C.   China
D.   Kazakhstan

9.    The Book "Long Walk to Freedom" is written by __________ .
A.    Nelson Mandela
B.    Henry S. Commager
C.   Bill Clinton
D.   Mother Terasa

10.  The Book "Higher than Hopes" is a biography of __________ .
A.    Nelson Mandela
B.    Henry S. Commager
C.   Bill Clinton
D.   Mother Terasa

1.    B
2.    A
3.    B
4.    D
5.    B
6.    B
7.    D
8.    C
9.    A
10.  A


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